Joachim: Red Cross places well-being of shelter residents first

Guest column

As the Regional Executive for Louisiana, I want to respond to your article, “Flood victims voice concerns over Red Cross.”

I was deeply troubled by the allegations made. At the Red Cross, we take any allegations of issues in shelters seriously and strongly encourage clients and volunteers to report concerns about their care or safety directly to shelter managers or through the Red Cross Concerned Connection Line at 888-309-9679.

Red Cross has made a concerted effort to immediately investigate and correct any concerns that have been brought to our attention. Background checks and training are required for all Red Cross volunteers. We also have a zero tolerance policy and will remove anyone working on behalf of the Red Cross who does not act in accordance with the law or Red Cross principles, which state that we offer assistance without regard to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinion of the recipients.

In addition to concerns for care or safety, all accusations of illegal conduct are taken seriously and should be immediately reported to local authorities. To date, no illegal activity has been reported at the Heymann Performing Arts Center in Lafayette.

The vast majority of the families who received Red Cross aid have reciprocated with heartfelt “thank you's” and hugs. These positive experiences are rarely the stories that are shared in media reports. Ninety-eight percent of the Red Cross responders in Louisiana are volunteers who are local citizens of Louisiana or traveled across the country because they care deeply about the humanitarian needs caused by this significant disaster. Regardless of this story not being told, the American Red Cross volunteers and staff continue working tirelessly around the clock to care for as many people as quickly as possible.

— Joshua Joachim is the Red Cross regional executive for Louisiana.

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